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A Know-it-All.

Well i am finally getting my Website all nice and tighty (www.belinizio.com). Just a few things i have to do on my site and i think i can go on to another project on the Bel Inizio to do list. LOL. Speaking of things to do. Have you ever notice everything you have to know to get anything done now days. Say being a Photographer and in business for yourself. This can be an adventure. Imagine being me and going out to do a job that I love and that's being a photographer. But being a Photographer is only like 5% of the whole picture. I know your thinking about it and my friends say "all you do is press a button all day", I only wish that's all i did. Imagine this. By being a photographer and in business for yourself every little thing has to be done by you. Yea i can outsource everything but what really do you know when that happens. You know a person that can do it, that's it. Like my Dad always said "If you want it done right, then do it yourself". Isn't that the truth. First off you have to know how to be that photographer first. That takes years and years to get down. So i started with film at age 9yo and now to digital at age....well that's another story. lol. Through all those years of trail and error i made it to where i know what will and what won't work. Then take the cameras now days. Just take a Point and shoot. Most of you don't know all your cameras features, do you? Now take a Pro style camera. These things are like no others out there. The Manual is huge. Now learn this camera like the back of your hand. So cameras change, the way you shoot digital changes. So now learn that. Then learn the software to get it from camera to what you see today. Photoshop, Lightroom and countless other programs you have to learn to make these images you photographed pop and give life to. So now learn how to build the business to get the clients. So we are talking about marketing, advertising and a big word of mouth. But wait, how will anyone see these images. Website. Yes i had the learn how to build that to. So learning everything about photography is kind of like golf. Even when you think you got it down you really don't. So the next time you see a Professional Photographer make sure you realize what it takes to be great and on top of your game. Then never question how much it cost again, because if you take the time involved that I take in the images. It’s a small, small price to pay to get something that has taken me a lifetime to learn to do.